Luxury Lifestyle

Experience the epitome of luxury living on the stunning Savannah yacht.

Endless adventure and untamed exploration

expirience the limitless potential of the ocean with the ones you love

unmatched scenery

wake up to stunning landscapes daily, basc in the intrinsic beauty of our planet from the comfort of Savannah

never have to book a hotel again

Savannah has a permanent place just for you, no need to spend time boooking, spend it on what matters most


Experience freedom from people and the freedom to explore yourself, all while lost at sea.

R E - D E F I N E L U X U R Y A N D S T E P I N T O Y O U R N E W L I F E S T Y LE


wine and a beautiful sunset

a bed that only you get to sleep in

exploring the world

a cruise with your childhood friends


waking up to your wife against the backdrop of an oceanic sunrise

the look on your co-workers faces

the memories you could make

the events you could host as the friend with the yacht